Frequently Asked Questions & Care Instructions
*PMU=Permanent Make Up
What is Microblading?
Microblading is a form of permanent makeup where a small blade is used to create thin hair-like strokes throughout a persons brows, giving the illusion of a full, natural brow.
It is not done by a machine, it is hand done in crisp hair like strokes that reach the deep layers of the epidermis. Microblading is a natural look that adds hair strokes and volume to your brows.
What Is a Hybrid/Combo Brow?
This is the process of infusing pigment into the skin to simulate the appearance of filled in brows. This is perfect for clients who are perfectionists!! Combo Brows are done with microblading throughout the brow and then I use my machine to add shading from edge to edge lightening at the front of the brows. Hybrid is shading just added into the center of the brows to blend the strokes for a more natural filled in look.
Who is a candidate for PMU?
-Normal - Dry Skin types with small pores.
-Someone that wants the convenience of not filling in their brows with makeup
-Someone that wants help with shaping and wants their shaping to stay perfected
-Someone with Sparse brows
-Someone with areas of the brows that will not grow back due to alopecia or damaged hair follicles
-Active people that are swimming, hiking, outdoorsy etc. and need the convenience of having them done for you and not wiping off throughout the day
-Moms, that don’t have time to put makeup on in the morning.
-Not pregnant or breastfeeding
-Not on any Blood thinners or heart medication
-Not on any acne medications
-Not on antibiotics
How long does it take to heal?
Healing time takes about 10 days. Please refer to Pre/post care tabs below
Will it ruin the brow hair I already have?
Brow hair (hair in general) the follicle is in the dermis, microblading and permanent makeup, we are putting pigment in the deep layers of your epidermis and not harming your follicles, you shouldn’t have any damage to any brow hair.
How long does PMU last?
Semi-permanent makeup gradually fades over time. However there are many factors that affect how quickly it will fade. This includes skin type (dry/oily), lifestyle, your ability to follow aftercare instructions, age, metabolism, medication and more. Sun exposure fades pigment quickly and can affect the color of the pigment. This is why it is important to avoid sun exposure and wear a medical grade sunscreen. Closely following aftercare instructions will give you the best healed results and help you retain your brows longer. Please know that touchups are normal and expected to keep your brows looking fresh.
How often do I need a touch up?
I mean it is obviously up to you, I highly recommend getting a touch up every 6-24 months after your second session. My clients typically like to get a yearly color refresh to enforce that shape and color, and keep your brows looking just how you want them to. Ultimately, any semi-permenant cosmetic is going to require touch-ups to keep the color looking fresh and full.
Are there any guarantees?
I do not have any guarantees, there are things that are out of my control and everyone is different. I do strive to give the best quality service I can possibly provide every single one of my clients. But depending on lifestyle, genetics, ETC, brows may heal differently from person to person at no fault to the technique used.
6-8 Week Touch Up Policy $100
You only have 6-8 weeks to claim the 6 week touch up ($100 fee) after the initial PMU service. Pushing the touch up date any further will require you to schedule a 2-6 month touch up appointment instead due to excess fading in the brows from postponing your 6-8 week touch up.
Can I wear makeup to my appointment?
Some clients like to wear brow makeup how they normally do on a daily bases to show me the color, shape, and what they are currently used to. The brow area will be cleaned either way during the appointment before starting, so wearing brow makeup is not required and is okay if the client chooses to.
How long is one brow session?
Having permanent makeup done takes about two hours. Touch ups take around half the time depending on retention and how much we add during the touch up appointment.
Can I have PMU done if I have previous permanent makeup done already?
I want to be able to say yes to everyone that comes to me in need of brow help, but unfortunately there are times that I will have to say no. The best thing to do is to email me a picture of your brows or come in for a consultation (15-30 minutes long), so that we can accurately assess the previous work and determine what will need to be done to get your brows looking the way you want them to.
Can you have permanent makeup done while pregnant or breastfeeding?
If a client is pregnant, they are not eligible for permanent makeup. If a client is breastfeeding, I suggest to wait 6 months after baby is born for hormones to regulate and will take them on as a client I just have them keep their doctor informed.
Are there any guarantees?
I do not have any guarantees, there are things that are out of my control and everyone is different. I do strive to give the best quality service I can possibly provide every single one of my clients. But depending on lifestyle, genetics, ETC, brows may heal differently from person to person at no fault to the technique used.
PreCare Instructions
-Day of session Avoid blood thinners which include: Aspirin or ibuprofen.(blood thinners cause bleeding, swelling, hypersensitivity, slows healing)
-Avoid soda/ energy drinks/ coffee 24-48 hours before appointment
-Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before appointment
-Avoid fish oil vitamin E (natural blood thinner) for one week prior to appointment
-Avoid exercise and massage (circulates blood) day of appointment
-Avoid exfoliation and anti-aging or acne treatments on area, peel’s (may thin the skin) two weeks prior to appointment
-Do not tan or have a sun burned face two weeks prior to appointment
-Do not pick, tweeze, perform electrolisis two weeks prior
-Do not wax or tint for 3 days prior
-Please make sure to eat breakfast and/or lunch before appointment.
After Care Instructions:
-Day 1 Wash 3-4 times the first day, wash them with as warm of water as you can handle. Washing them removes lymph and granulated tissue which hardens scabbing, we want to get the lymph and tissue off the brow area to heal properly. When washing, Use an anti-bacterial soap (I provide one for you. But incase of the soap getting lost or broken, you can use: cetaphile, neutrogena, dial etc.) Do not use anything with acid or exfoliants in the cleanser. Wash makeup separate from brows so you do not get makeup residue on them.
-Wash the brow area 30-40 min after appointment. wash minimum 4 times the day of appt and/or every other hour. Wash for 10 seconds pat dry and use the healing ointment I provide on them each time.
-Day 2-10 Continue washing brows just Morning and Night and use healing ointment I provide on the brow area 3 times a day (Morning, Noon, and night)
What to Avoid While Healing:
-No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks
-Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for the 10 days
-Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after procedure. Wear a hat when outdoors.
-Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers for the first 10 days.
-Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days
-Avoid swimming, lakes, hot tubs for the first 10 days
-Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area for 10 days
-Someone who does not have a history of:
haemophilia (or any blood diseases)
Keloid scarring
chronic ear infections or ear diseases
eczema around or on the ears
-You can NOT be:
Pregnant or nursing
on any blood thinning medication
-any old piercing scars must be healed for 1 year before re-piercing.
I use single-use, sterile, disposable hollow piercing needles. Jewelry is sterilized prior to insertion. Clamps are single use and disposable.
-For your initial piercing/s we will use implant grade titanium earrings. I use this type of metal because it is both hypoallergenic and a very common metal to use for initial piercings.
**Let me know beforehand if you would prefer solid gold and I can order specific earrings just for you. I will need at least 2-3 weeks to order and receive them, so please tell me asap. I will have them ready to use at your appt. (Extra Fees will apply)
Piercing guns cannot be effectively sterilized, and there are documented cases of disease transmission from piercing guns.
Gun studs do not accommodate for the different thicknesses of ears and earlobes, and the studs can easily become embedded. Additionally, piercing studs are not usually made from implant-grade materials, and as a result, reactions to the jewelry are not uncommon, especially for those with a sensitivity to nickel.
Getting your ear cartilage pierced with a gun can be especially dangerous and carries a risk of permanent damage.
The gun can cause more trauma to the area, causing it to take longer to heal.
When it comes to the pain, there are three things you have to keep in mind.
Not all piercings feel the same. Some parts are more sensitive than others, so where you get it will make a big difference.
Not everyone feels the same amount of pain, or in the same places. Everyone is different.
A piercing is over in seconds, so even if it does hurt its super quick.
If done in a clean and professional shop, the risks are minimal. It's up to you to find a good shop and to follow their aftercare advice.
The biggest risk in getting pierced is irritation and infection. This can happen for several reasons:
Bad after-care. If you ignore the aftercare instructions and get it dirty, touch it and play with it all the time, get make-up in it, or change it too early, it can become irritated or infected.
Using a piercing gun.
The other main risk is rejection, which is when your body decides it doesn't like being pierced and starts pushing the jewelry out. This isn't particularly painful, but it can leave a nasty scar. If you think your piercing is migrating, have your piercer check it out. If it is rejecting, take it out immediately to avoid scarring. You can always try again once it's healed.
It depends on where it is, how you treat it and how quickly your body heals. Most heal in 12 weeks or less, but some can take as long as 6 months to a year. Of course, it's different for everyone.
How you treat your piercing will make a big difference in healing time, as well. Using saline solution to clean it, rather than alcohols or peroxides, will speed up the healing process significantly; alcohol dries out your skin and kills all the good bacteria (yes, there is such a thing!) that helps you heal. Keeping it clean is vital. Other than the cleanings, LEAVE IT ALONE. Ignoring the piercing will help it heal quicker.
If you decide you no longer want your piercing, simply remove the jewelry (or have a professional piercer remove it) and continue cleaning until the hole closes. In most cases only a small mark will remain.
I pierce children 4 years and older. Anyone younger than 18 years old is required to have a guardian present during their appointment and sign the paperwork.
Please note that younger children may experience more healing difficulties due to being less careful will the fresh piercing. There will be an additional waiver to sign if they child is under 8 years old.
No. There is the opinion still held by some that if you do not rotate your jewelry occasionally during healing that your skin will adhere to or “grow into” the post. This is not true. With implant-grade titanium and steel jewelry, the surface is non-porous and will not adhere to skin. This is not to say that you won’t have some scabbing and dried lymph that adheres to your jewelry during healing. Just keep with your regular cleaning regimen and this will wash away naturally. As for twisting the jewelry: just leave it alone. If you’re not cleaning your piercing, keep your hands off it.
The initial jewelry should be left in for the duration of the healing period, but you can change your jewelry as soon as it is healed.
For earlobes, this means 6 to 8 weeks. For cartilage, 6-12 months, minimum.
What To Expect:
At first: some bleeding, bruising (bruising can remain 1-4 weeks depending on how your body heals) , swelling, redness, and soreness or mild pain. During healing, you may experience some discoloration, itching, and/or oozing of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) that will form some crust on the jewelry. Your skin may tighten around the jewelry as you heal. After healing the jewelry may not move easily in the piercing; do not force it. If you don’t clean your piercing as a part of your daily hygiene, normal but smelly secretions may build up. A piercing may seem just fine before the whole healing process is done. This is because they heal from the outside in, even if it feels fine, the new skin is weak on the inside. Be patient, and keep cleaning all the way to the end of the entire healing period. Piercing can shrink or close in minutes if you take out your jewelry. This is different from person to person; if you like your piercing, keep jewelry in—do not leave the hole empty.
It is normal for piercings to go through a “rollercoaster” of healing. This is when they may seem healed and happy and then all the sudden may get irritated and annoyed again. THIS IS NORMAL. Keep cleaning, reduce any pressure to the piercing (like sleeping on it, or touching it besides cleaning) and it should calm down in a couple days. Unless piercing is hot to the touch, red, and producing green or dark yellow fluid ,Then contact your Doctor (I am not a DR.)
If you feel as though your new piercing got Infected, contact your Doctor right away. DO NOT REMOVE PIERCING as this can seal the infection in as the hole closes. I am not a doctor. Keep In mind redness, swelling, and white/yellow crusty discharge is normal. A Fever or green discharge Is not.
Go to AFTER CARE INSTRUCTIONS to read about how to treat infected piercings, or piercing bumps
I do not have any guarantees, there are things that are out of my control and everyone is different. I do strive to give the best quality service I can possibly provide every single one of my clients. But depending on lifestyle, genetics, ETC, Piercings may heal differently from person to person at no fault to the technique used.
Decide what piercing/s you are wanting to receive and communicate that with me, so I can be prepared with the right supplies. It's totally ok if you change your mind at your appt but this just helps me get an idea of what you want.
For your initial piercing/s we will be using “surgical stainless steel” or “implant grade titanium” earrings. I use this type of metal because it is both hypoallergenic and a very common metal to use for initial piercings. If you would prefer solid gold, please email me and we can order it special for you! Extra fees will be applied since the jewelry is more expensive. (It takes around 2-3 weeks for the gold to ship)
Alcohol, working out, and blood thinners (caffeine -including soda, advil/ibuprophen, fish oil, or vitamin E) 24-48 hours BEFORE your appointment.
Be sure to eat something small before 1-2 hours before your appointment! you come in for your appointment! This will hopefully help potential feelings of anxiousness, lightheadedness, or passing out due to the dip in blood sugar levels getting pierced can cause.
Shower before your service.
Stay Hydrated
Lobes: 6-8 weeks
Cartilage: 6 months - 1 year.
DO NOT touch, spin, sleep on, bump, smack, catch yank or otherwise disturb your piercing. It’s healing, just let it be. ALWAYS wash your hands before touching your new piercing
Redness, swelling, and/or tenderness Is normal for the first few weeks. as well as white discharge/ crusties.
-Wash hands thoroughly
-Rinse piercing front and back with saline twice daily. If you run out of the aftercare, you can use any saline wound wash (usually found in the first aide section. Make sure the ingredients are 0.9% sodium chloride and water. no other additives)
-You may use a clean q-tip to help remove any "crusties" GENTLY
-Do your best to keep hair, makeup, soaps, and perfume products away from piercing while healing
-Avoid soaking in any bodies of water for 2 weeks after piercing. Be sure to thoroughly clean after a swim until fully healed. Swimming too early can lead to an increased risk of serious infections/ complications due to the exposure of bacteria to the new piercing (this is an open wound)
-Keep your body healthy! Healthy bodies heal faster, drink water and take your vitamins!
-Keep bedding clean and avoid sleeping on wet hair
-REMEMBER: do not clean piercing more than suggested. Over-cleaning can slow the healing process and cause more harm than good.
-Continue to clean piercing for suggest healing times
What To Expect:
At first: some bleeding, bruising (bruising can remain 1-4 weeks depending on how your body heals) , swelling, redness, and soreness or mild pain. During healing, you may experience some discoloration, itching, and/or oozing of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) that will form some crust on the jewelry. Your skin may tighten around the jewelry as you heal. After healing the jewelry may not move easily in the piercing; do not force it. If you don’t clean your piercing as a part of your daily hygiene, normal but smelly secretions may build up. A piercing may seem just fine before the whole healing process is done. This is because they heal from the outside in, even if it feels fine, the new skin is weak on the inside. Be patient, and keep cleaning all the way to the end of the entire healing period. Piercing can shrink or close in minutes if you take out your jewelry. This is different from person to person; if you like your piercing, keep jewelry in—do not leave the hole empty.
It is normal for piercings to go through a “rollercoaster” of healing. This is when they may seem healed and happy and then all the sudden may get irritated and annoyed again. THIS IS NORMAL. Keep cleaning, reduce any pressure to the piercing (like sleeping on it, or touching it besides cleaning) and it should calm down in a couple days. Unless piercing is hot to the touch, red, and producing green or dark yellow fluid Then contact your Doctor.
If you feel as though your new piercing got Infected, contact your Doctor right away. DO NOT REMOVE PIERCING as this can seal the infection in as the hole closes. I am not a doctor. Keep In mind redness, swelling, and white/yellow crusty discharge is normal. A Fever or green discharge Is not.
How to treat infected Piercing:
Click HERE
How do I get rid of piercing bump?
Click HERE