My Microblading Experience
I am SO happy I was able to do this! Not only because having microbladed brows is amazing, but it was also an incredible learning experience. I got to feel and go through what you guys do first hand! So I can HONESTLY tell you what to expect after your appointment!! Plus I’ll throw in a couple tips and an emotion chart at the end for you!
Day 1:
My appointment wasn’t until 1:00 pm and so I had to skip my morning caffeine and my workouts! It was tough but I was SO excited to finally get my brows done it was worth it. During the appointment we chatted while the numbing was setting in and then she shaped my brows using the same technique I do! During the first pass of microblading it wasn’t completely painless. It felt like someone was putting their nails on your brows. A little un-comfy but nothing unbearable. After the second round of numbing I felt NOTHING. It was great!
Once I left and the numbing was wearing off they were a little sore. But they didn’t burn or sting. Just a slight soreness. I washed them every two hours this day and applied the healing balm after every wash. While washing they were sore again. But as soon as I was done, then they felt fine!
Day 2-4:
During the first couple days of the healing process, the brows are a little more vibrant aka darker. I also would wash them morning and night and put the balm on after each wash. I woke up the 3rd day with them feeling a little tight and a little itchy! All to be expected during the healing process. To remedy this I would apply more healing balm and it would solve the issue immediately.
Day 5-7:
I woke up on day 5 noticing they started to flake a little bit! It was honestly a lot less than I had been prepared for by hearing other peoples experiences. Applying the healing balm hid the flakiness though! (the balm fixes everything)
They started to lighten up around this time too! It felt like it was matching my natural color a lot better! They were a little patchy, but this is TOTALLY normal with the healing process!
Day 8-10:
They felt completely normal during these last few days! I did my best to follow the healing instructions all the way to the end despite them feeling fully healed! There are reasons they recommend 10 days. So we will follow instructions for 10 days.
I still noticed a little patchiness up to the 6 week touch up! The first appointment lays the ground work for the brows, and the 6 week touch up is where they are perfected!
DO NOT SWEAT!! Even if you walk just a little too fast into the store you will literally feel it. You’re technically putting salt into a wound by doing this and your brows WILL sting. PLUS salt removes pigment which leads to patchiness.
No makeup above the brows. Makeup will absorb the pigment too! So try to be extra careful during the 10 days.