4 Reasons Your Lash Extension’s Aren’t Retaining Well.

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So you got your lash fill and then all the sudden you’re noticing your lashes are falling out a lot sooner than you were hoping! Check the following methods below and see if you can improve anything on your end! Your lash artist will thank you!

  1. Clean your dang lashes!

    • Yes, you’ve heard me say it a million times, but it’s true! You’re natural oils and dirt, dead skin cells, makeup, etc will make lashes fall off prematurely. It can also clog your lash follicles making it difficult for new lashes to grow.

    • Make sure you wash your lashes BEFORE your fill!! New lashes WILL NOT adhere to dirty lashes period.

  2. Check products for oil.

    • Check your face products for oil! This includes skincare, AND makeup! If your goal is bomb lash retention, ditch the products with any of the first ingredients including an oil.

  3. Make sure to Brush your lashes into place after they get wet and DAILY.

    • Brushing Lashes dry will help them dry faster and dry in place so you don’t end up with that one lash that goes sideways or tangled lashes that pull and hurt! Keeping the lash extensions in the proper position will help them last longer!

  4. Track your lash cycle

    • Yes, you have a lash cycle. If you didn’t know, now you know. Every 4-6 weeks you will notice you will lose a dramatic amount of lashes. This is totally normal! You lose lashes like you do normal hair. They fall out and new ones will grow in their place. You make also notice that you may lose a dramatic amount in fall and spring! We shed just like other mammals.

It’s so important that your artist properly educates you so you know what to expect and how to keep those lashes as fluffy as possible!


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